Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Axman Cometh (Farris, 1989)

This is my first John Farris novel. I started the book with the notion that it was a slasher story. Boy, was I wrong. It is often that you cannot judge a book by its cover and i admit, i'm a sucker for a cool cover. Saying that, i'm even more perturbed when I cannot judge a book on its title or synopsis either.
Upon completing the novel, I immediately searched the web to find other reviews of the book, mainly because of the large cloud of WTF that hung over my head. I found all of 3 reviews, all of them on amazon. One person attested to my confusion with the novel. John Upton mentioned "I remember thinking at the time that Mr. Farris must have put the book aside and someone under the influence of LSD finished the book for him." My thoughts exactly.

Spoilers Below

Now that you are warned. Ok, I know no one else is reading this, but it's an open blog so I figured i'd be safe.
First and foremost, there is no real resolution to the conflict in this book.  While the axman is killed in a dream-state, we never leave that dream-state to find out about what happened to Shannon in the elevator.
Second and equally perplexing, the main character or protagonist changes from Shannon to Don slowly throughout the book. After the axman is killed the story never does not return to Shannon it stays with Don.
Third, somehow this is still a very good book.


p.s. - If anyone felt confused about the spelling, "ax" is typically used in U.S. English and "axe" is the preferred spelling used in other countries.

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