Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Green Woman (2010, Straub, Easton)

*read as ebook*

Have only read a few graphic novels before this. Art was really striking in some areas. The story was kind of a let down. It was interesting but nothing that i would even say compared to Straub's short and long fiction work. A little too hard-boiled and under-thought dialogue weighed this down for me. Good grade for being entertaining and artful. 150 pages went in 30 minutes.

Story: B
Art: A
Overall: B+

Spore (2010, Goodfellow, Skipp)

*Read as kindle ebook*
A let down compared to Jake's Wake. At 275 pages there is more than enough room to grow with the great concepts in this piece. I felt lost in a few spots. Revisions need to be done with this. This is going to be pressed by Leisure Fiction as a mass paperback in the middle of this new year. Hopefully they will fix and expand and EXPLAIN half of the people/vehicles/places that appear out of nowhere and act as if they have been already mentioned. Really good otherwise. Just needs a few more drafts.