Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Serbian Film (Spasojevic, 2010)

Insane, FuckedUP, chauvinistic, brilliant. The reveals are amazing.

The Darkest Night of the Year (2008, Koontz)

I am not a follower of Dean Koontz. That being said, I have read some random books by him. The first was in middle school, where I read Whisperers. This was the first real book that I had read, and mostly the one that felt like a real book, a real experience. Then I read Servants of Twilight, I felt the ending was a a slight let down. But, man, was the getting there exciting. Then i started to read Phantoms, and it went down hill from there.
Not that it was bad or un-entertaining, but because ADD or ADHD had kicked in and a sentence would ignite a flurry of memories and ideas; most of the time, not worth the pipe dreams that lit up my brain. Most of the books were probably blew out the side of a fast moving vehicle.
The gold retriever aspect, which i should say dog aspect, because the empathy is there with all dogs and animals. This book proves that Dean Koontz is warranted in his popularity. Although, I am not sure how much of this is his editors, and what is him, Because he writes so G D M that it's insane, I can only fathom, if he does churn out as much as it seems, the writing day he has, everyday, everyday, everyday. is as supernatural as his fiction.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cameron Pierce - Ass Goblins of Auschwitz - 2009

Obviously, the title is a grabber; I thought that it was shocking. By reading the synopsis I started to think that the ridiculous title might be warranted. The book seemed to be about an overly-imaginative child. whom, unknowingly of course, was telling a narrative. His satirical prose of what he is going through at Auschwitz, the concentration camp, was during the Nazi invasion and the capture of people's religions and race not of Aryan.
Well, I give a big thumbs up to Cameron Pierce for churning my stomach. Besides that, the story was basically a first draft; a treatment. So many instances during the story had the loving care of Burroughs that i decided that i must tread on, because there be music ahead. But. alas. there was not. It was an incomprehensible mess that tried too hard to become a whole. Sorry. dude, try writing something real. something that hurts.

Jeremy Robert Johnson - 2006 - Extinction Journals

John Skipp and Craig Spector - The Light at the End - 1986

Peter Straub 2004 - In the Night Room

Peter Straub 2003 - Lost Boy Lost Girl

Peter Straub 1980 - GhostStory