Monday, January 25, 2010

Tell Tale (2009, Cuesta)

A modernized version of Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart. The story holds barely more than the theme of the original, but what a strange theme it is. The movie is definitely a mystery first and a thriller second, although it blends the two quite nicely. The movie keeps up a commercial-pace of thriller and action, which keeps it interesting but makes it hard to create an atmosphere worthy of Poe. Nice twists though.
  • Originality - 7
  • Production Value - 7
  • Acting - 7
  • Story Premise - 5
  • Plot -7
  • Surprise Factor - 6
  • Relate-able Characters - 7
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 6
  • Most Memorable: The last line of dialogue.
Verdict: 3.5 out of 5

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