Monday, January 25, 2010

Tell Tale (2009, Cuesta)

A modernized version of Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart. The story holds barely more than the theme of the original, but what a strange theme it is. The movie is definitely a mystery first and a thriller second, although it blends the two quite nicely. The movie keeps up a commercial-pace of thriller and action, which keeps it interesting but makes it hard to create an atmosphere worthy of Poe. Nice twists though.
  • Originality - 7
  • Production Value - 7
  • Acting - 7
  • Story Premise - 5
  • Plot -7
  • Surprise Factor - 6
  • Relate-able Characters - 7
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 6
  • Most Memorable: The last line of dialogue.
Verdict: 3.5 out of 5

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mutants (2009, Morlet)

Mutants is basically 28 Days Later(2002, Boyle), but the virus topically mutates the infected. No powers added or razor sharp claws, just crazy ugly zombies.

Like most of the other french new wave horror, this is visually striking and and quite brutal. The direction in the film seems to be top notch. The screenwriters plotted this horror film in a new and interesting way, but the reliance on the zombie sub-genre takes down the points.

Someone, please, shoot the last zombie in the head and move on to something more original.

  • Originality - 7
  • Production Value - 8
  • Acting - 8
  • Story Premise - 3
  • Plot -7
  • Surprise Factor - 6
  • Relate-able Characters - 7
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 6
  • Most Memorable:
Overal : 3.0 out of 5

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Murder Set Pieces (2004, Palumbo)

As detailed below, the film lacks considerably in the story plotting department. That said, the visceral and at times phantasmagorical brutality of imagery in this film resonates with one for quite some time after the viewing.
  • Originality - 6
  • Production Value - 5
  • Acting - 5 (characters 2, victims 9)
  • Story Premise - 2
  • Plot -3
  • Surprise Factor - 7
  • Relate-able Characters - 1
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 8
Overal : 2.5 out of 5

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Green Food to Eat You By

Troll 2 (1990, Floyd)
This was another one of those movies that I saw growing up that managed creep me out until this day. Well not this day, because i watched it a few days ago and its pretty horrible. Probably one of the worst movies. As a child, the green "blood" was the eeriest part. So, I post this picture in remembrance to Troll 2.

  • Originality- 7
  • Production Value - 4
  • Acting - 1
  • Story Premise - 6
  • Plot - 6
  • Surprise Factor - 3
  • Relate-able Characters - 1
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 8
Verdict: 2.0 out of 5

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bloody Birthday (Hunt, 1981)

I saw Bloody Birthday when I couldn't have been more than 11 years old. This movie's creepy atmosphere stayed with me all these years. Until recently I had no idea what this movie was called but after googling the pieces of the story i could remember, I found this treasure's name and got to watch it again with fresh eyes.

  • Originality- 7
  • Production Value - 6
  • Acting - 6
  • Story Premise - 5
  • Plot - 6
  • Surprise Factor - 7
  • Relate-able Characters - 6
  • Themes/Imagery that resonates - 8
  • Most Memorable: The tree house scene.
Verdict: 3.0 out of 5