Friday, January 17, 2014

Animals (Spector & Skipp, 1992)

pgs 449
Animals is a good book It's so hard with books published only years after i was born. Sometimes, I feel like all the good has been taken and only the slack remains. So let's that be our caveat.
       The book pulls on my heart strings with the protagonist being loner and someone who broods over loss as much a this character does. It definitely feels real.
The blood is real and exciting. It's extreme in the way you would want it to be, there's death of loved ones, death of the newly reformed, death of infant, and rape. It's all you could ask for in pseudo-extreme horror.
Psuedo you say? No, not all of this is graphic, its a 90s book, please. The prerequisites are there, though.
Story wise, it starts out awesome, goes to mediocre, and lands somewhere between cool and lukewarm.