Friday, March 23, 2012

Desert Places (Crouch, 2004)

Blake Crouch's Desert Places. While this was a great read and had some nice twists, this book just didn't live up to JA Konrath's recommendation. Damn fine book, could hardly put it down. It just didn't have the shock value or emotional conflict I was expecting. Unfortunately, i have a feeling I'll forgot this one within a week.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sparrow Rock (Kenyon, 2010)

4/5 The is the bleakest horror novel I've read in a long time.I might have to read something light and comedic after this. Kenyon breathes life into otherwise cliched teen character ensemble and the story just felt so real at parts that I felt that is really what an Apocalypse would feel like.
A point taken back for lack of interesting conversation, humor, and cliched flash backs.