Monday, February 27, 2012

Lot Lizards (Garton, 2009)

3/5 Nice entralling story, but maybe a little too business and not enough introspection to make it memorable.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Casket for Sale (Only Used Once) (Strand, 2005)

I read these three in the series back to back. Not sure if it is considered a series because you wouldn't have to know anything about the previous to understand the context.
Anywho, I enjoyed the shit out of this novella. They are just as nasty, as they are humorous. All are strikingly original and I would recommend to anyone that is a sick fuck like me. An element in this one that definitely struck a cord in me was the drug induced hallucinations that Andrew had when he was a Demon Slayer. It makes me wonder if Strand will take a break from everything being realistic(ish haha) to make a more of a burroughs-ish horror novel

Single White Psychopath Seek Same (Strand, 2005)

Almost as good as the previous entry. This time Andrew has to pretend to be a serial killer. This one is more concise and regrettably less engaging. Still a great novella, but not enough details in this one to really make for a 5 star baby. 4 stars for it for originality, but at the same time its almost forgettable for the lack of realistic situations.

Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary) (Strand, 2005))

Such a great book. The mystery element was new to me in Strand's work. This worked as a Who-dun-it thriller. Which really added to this horror novel. Of course with the sarcastic wit of Andrew Mayhem. It is hard to classify and that is why the book gets 5 stars.

Monday, February 6, 2012